Wednesday, August 22, 2012

General Information

Wheaton Academy Cheer 

Head Coach:  Leah Rinker
Cell:  (616) 560-6460

The theme for this year’s competitive cheer season is taken from John 16:33: “In this world you shall have tribulations, but BE OF GOOD CHEER, I have overcome the world.”  I think that this verse is so appropriate for our season, because despite the trials and tribulations that we experience in our daily lives, whether that be in school, athletics, or in our spiritual life, God reminds us to be of good cheer, because we are saved through Jesus Christ.  This verse reassures and reminds me to put things in perspective, and that everything we do is through and for Jesus Christ


  1. To love God
  3. To grow together as a team
  4. To have fun
  5. To challenge oursleves to be the best we can
  6. To constantly improve and strive to be better


The following expectations are essential for each athlete, parent and coach to remember. 

Relationships:  Demonstrate my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how that impacts my relationships with others.
  • “Do our opponents and fans see Christ in me?”

Excellence:  Do the best I can with the gifts that God has given me.
  • “Do I train and prepare in a way that honors God?”

Service:  Seek to serve and put others ahead of myself.
  • “Do I love my teammates and respect my opponents?”

In following the Warrior Way, we are living out the Wheaton Academy mission…to nurture growth in ourselves through positive relationships, excellence and service to the glory of God.


General Information:

Commitment:              As a member of the Wheaton Academy Varsity Competitive Cheer Team, it is expected that you commit to being a member of the team throughout the season.  THE FOOTBALL CHEER SEASON WILL LAST FROM AUGUST 12, 2012 THROUGH THE VARSITY BOYS’ FOOTBALL SEASON.  As a member of the team, you are expected to be at every practice and every game unless unable to attend due to illness or injury.  For a Varsity sport, players with jobs are expected to make arrangements with their employer to schedule work hours around their commitment to the competitive cheer team.


We will be cheering at each boys VARSITY football game. 

Prior to the FRIDAY night games, we will be doing a team dinner at specified houses.  It will be $5 for each dinner.  Transportation will be provided from the house to the game.  The girls, however, will need to find their own way home.


To better increase communication between parents, athletes and myself, we have made Wheaton Academy Cheer blog. Here is the URL:
Please feel free to post pictures, words of support on our cheer page!

On the blog will be the calednar, pictures, and direction to games. 

Team Parents:  A team parent will partner with the four captains and together will be responsible for various things during the season.  It is important that the team parents and the captains coordinate.  Team parents will help organize before game dinners, sleepovers, and locker decorations for the girls as well as for the football team         

What to expect from this season:

Uniforms:  The uniforms for competitive cheer have already been purchased by Wheaton Academy.  Though the uniforms are no longer yours to keep, we now have an official team set!  Due to this, you are no longer required to purchase your uniform. 
  • Shoes will NOT need to be purchased until competitive, but white shoes is a requirement.
  • Boy briefs will need to be purchased.  The cost of boy briefs is $15. 
  • Checks are ALWAYS made out to Wheaton Academy.   

We will have team devotions every Tuesday, prior to leaving for gymnastics, lead by the captains.    We will meet from 3:15-3:35pm.

Palmer’s Gymnastics:  Every Tuesday, as of SEPTEMBER 4, for the rest of the season we will be heading over to Palmer’s Gymnastics from 4:00-5:00pm.  The cost is $70 per session of 7 weeks.   Please call ASAP to register your girl!
Phone: 630-351-8330  

Budget:  Because the competitive cheer team is a new Varsity sport at Wheaton Academy, we do not yet have a large budget.  It is my goal that through events such as Junior Cheer and donations, we will eventually be able to finish buying a complete set of mats, a second set of uniforms, and money to cut down the costs of summer camps and gymnastics.

Captains:  I will be selecting the four seniors to serve as the team captain this year to help lead the team.

Physicals:  Each cheerleader must have an up-to-date physical from their doctor to be able to practice and compete during this season. 

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